-->Sooo you messed up? You are not the 1st or the last. It's not about "What you did", its about "what you are GOING to DO". Don't just say "I'ma do better". or even "I got this". MAKE A DETAILED PLAN of HOW you plan to Get It Right. "Write The Vision, Make it Plain"...seriously write it down where you see it.
("I would protect U from the sadness in your eyes")
-->You are COURAGEOUS, even if you don't see it, I do. You WILL do better than you imagined because your not as young as you were. You don't have to "get your party on"...you are FOCUSED, and your children...your spouse...yeah they may whine because you aren't always at their beck-n-call, but they will be the loudest as you walk across that stage~
(Give U Courage in a world of compromise)
***You won't know everything...thats why you are here. Stop stressing because of that fact & LEARN.
(I would teach U all the things I never Learned)
Be honest with yourself. If U waited till the week of the test, U didn't do all that U could do...Admit it. Don't say U couldn't grasp it, when U know U didn't even start looking at it till 1 a.m....U were TIRED. Stop lying to yourself to make it better in your mind...it doesn't work.
(I'd Help U Cross the Bridges That I Burned)
Work Hard, So U Can Play Hard...We Do What We HAVE 2 Do So That We Can Do What We WANT 2 Do...Remember that order, and HAVE some fun with this school thing...Even if your doing this later in life...THIS is that stuff we reminisce about...make it memorable babies~
(I would try to shield your Innocence from time)
-->Your loved ones feel when U are messing up, so instead of hiding it, ask for help. "U have not, because U ask not". As someone who loves U, we know when to help you & when we need to let U learn to swim... & even then we'll yell out the strokes~
(But the part of life I gave U isn't mines. I'll watch U grow, so I can Let U Go)
***$$$ may be tight in school, but U are NOT "Broke"- U are just without the necessary funds 2 do some things, & this lack is a short term investment on a long term goal. Struggle now=Livin the Glamorus Life Later///Hang In There~
(I'd help U Through The Hungry Years)
It won't always be easy babies...but nothing GOOD ever Comes for Free.GRIND!
(But I know I could never cry your tears)
Don't be so quick 2 Listen to everyone's horror stories. Just because they can't write, doesn't mean U won't ace English. Your parents inability to pass algebra is NOT a generational curse. This is YOUR Walk. Use Your Resources & TRUST YOUR OWN BRAIN...it got U to this point! ~So U Hate a class? knock it out the park so U don't ever have 2 take it again!
(In a time & place where U don't want to be, U don't have to walk along this road with me, My yesterday won't have 2 be your way)
-->You Have A Voice in your education. Contrary 2 popular belief, even a PhD can be wrong- but if U just sit, tight-lipped, U lose. U have the Right 2 question, just know when it's appropiate. In class, sometimes it looks like your fronting your teacher off, when you question them... BUT sitting in an office? Writing a well thought-out (not emotional) email? Researching your argument...well babies, thats what we do here in America. The school system, like the judicial system, is flawed, but the voices of many have changed a world...and your voice is included.
~~~If I knew, I'd Try 2 Change this World I Brought U 2, Now There Isn't Much More That I can Do...............But I Would....If I Could~~~
"STUDY 2 Show Yourself Approved"
GRIND TIME...It'll be over Before You Know It!!
THIS WILL SOON BE YOU...Doesn't that Put a Little Grin On Your Face?!