Day 25 of Black History...Did you learn anything about Black Folk that you didn't already know? Are you still wondering Why we still have a need to celebrate the achievements of African Americans?
(I know some of you are)
I've been thinking about "US" as a people all month long....even moreso, because I realize that we are at a point where this month will still be overlooked by some...many of which are African American...because they still don't understand the importance of knowing one's history, and how that deeply impacts who you are & will become.
I talked with some ISU scholars recently & asked them to tell me about the person or people in their families that the family is "proud of"....roughly 43 students in the room, and I got about 4 answers...
One had a grandfather who was the 1st black man to own his own property in his area, one who's mother fought in a major battle in her country, another had a mother who worked her way up through a radio station to become an executive from a menial position, and a couple more...but then my answers fizzled out....Because they didn't know.
I asked how many attended their family reunions...hands shot up all over the room...but no one could tell me what made THEIR family "special" historically, save one young person who mentioned that all of their family history was put into a book & given out at the reunion. It's part of what has me up at 4:30 this morning, because it deeply troubles me that so many college students did not know the achievements of their had I asked them who the crack users, or jail bound members of their families were, we'da talked all afternoon, but they didnt know their HISTORY...
And it is our fault.
A few weeks back one of my children gave me a scare, & became my 1st child to spend more than a couple of hours in a hospital. What I found out through this event, was that my family carries the trait for a disease called Thallesemia...not life threatening for my child, but could be for my grandchild-to-be should this child procreate with another with this trait...just like 2 people with Sickle-cell trait..which I already knew we had...
Ironicially enough I didn't know I had sickle cell trait until I was well into my pregnancy with my oldest...
~There is my point people~ WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT OUR FAMILY TO FAMILY...Not just the bad incident...but the GREAT stuff...not just the negative...but the important health history...the achivements....Things that make us understand who we REALLY are.
- In the Bible it speaks of seeking the WISDOM of the Elders.
- In Slavery Times it was the STORIES Told about the "motherland" that gave slaves strength to live another day
- In Africa, in the days before slavery, it was the STORIES that gave us our history
In American textbooks our history is regulated to a few pages....How can we blame our children for not knowing who we are if WE have never told them...because the school system sure isn't. Sure they may luck-up and get a teacher who feels they should know more than who made the stoplight, Martin, & Rosa, but chances are...
And then there is OUR history...We have family members who have made a difference in this world...We have veterans who fought so that WE wouldn't have to...we have educators...athletes....freedom fighters....singers...outright Unsung Heros & Shero's, but our babies dont know because What?!
Have we misunderstood the concept of humbleness & don't wanna seem prideful?
Have we gotten so caught up chasin' dollars that we simply don't have the TIME to tell our children?
Our we so dissapointed in the state of our young people that we have given up?
Have we forgotten that those stories of greatness build a foundation under our feet, to STRENGTHEN us...Family PRIDE is A BEAUTIFUL why have we stopped giving it to our children?
So 25 days later I ask you if you might possibly understand why we NEED A Black History Month?
I Do.
Note the babygirl...The ONLY memory of her father had to be given to her through words from her mother
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